發布時間:2022-07-22 16:28:50來源:勵普教育綜合
掌握并熟練使用語法入門知識,按常見話題,積累可用于表達的詞匯,培養基本的閱讀理解力及短文聽讀的能力基礎辨音,語音現象解析,筆記原則,精聽習慣養成,老托福短對話,解析老托福 lecture 精聽,高頻學科背景知識補充,寫作結構及論點擴充。
accumulated/amassed 累積、積聚
Any field of knowledge needs to be accumulated/amassed through multiple channels and by various means.
acknowledge 承認、認可
It has been widely acknowledged that relating well to others paves the way for people to achieve success.
acquire 獲得、取得
Covering varied subjects helps children acquire comprehensive skills to meet the high demand of the modern world.
adopt 采用、采納
Due to the inability to make correct judgments, children are likely to adopt a deformed view upon the functions of money and school grades.
arouse 引起、喚醒
The overwhelming curiosity about alien cultures and features considerably arouses people’s interestin foreign movies and TV programs.
boast 含有、包括
I once joined a guided tour to Hainan, a most popular scenic spot that boasts appealing seashores and delicious seafood.
boost 提高、激發
Increasing teachers’ salaries will boost teachers’ enthusiasm and devotion.
cherish 珍惜、懷念
Having a delicious meal together and chatting freely are simple ways to celebrate either one’s birthday or graduation, but they can bring great happiness and memories that will be cherished forever.
combat 對抗、斗爭
As long as the entire society is on a mission to combat the existing and potential environmental challenges, sooner or later the day will arrive when the earth is safeguarded and its environment is further improved.
commit 付諸、委任
Such a psychological reward will motivate children to commit greater tasks when they grow up.
comprehend 理解、掌握
The social and historical background of serious movies provides people with an opportunity to comprehend a vast amount of knowledge.
confront 面對、遭遇
The uniform is not the right answer to various difficulties and problems that high school education is confronting.
constitute 構成、組成
The pressure from other students constitutes a powerful impetus to improving one’s abilities as well as perfecting one’s personality traits.
convince 說服、確信
The remarkable technological development has convinced people that the electronic world is filled with marvels.
cultivate 培養、陶冶
The equality in grade may cultivate the group members’ stronger sense of responsibility.
dampen 抑制、沮喪
Limiting their interest and freedom in doing what children like will exert a negative impact on their mentality, which may dampen their study enthusiasm.
demonstrate 證明、展示
Employers prefer university graduates because a higher educational qualification generally demonstrates more practical skills.
更多培訓課程: 廣州越秀朗閣新托福入門培訓 更多學校信息: 廣州越秀區朗閣教育機構 咨詢電話:
雅思 托福 GRE IB SAT GMAT A-Level ACT 多鄰國英語測試 OSSD 英語四六級 詞匯 AEAS 英語口語 商務英語 考研英語 青少英語 成人英語 個人提升英語 高中英語 劍橋英語 AP課程 一級建造師 二級建造師 消防工程師 消防設施操作員 BIM 造價工程師 環評師 監理工程師 咨詢工程師 安全工程師 建筑九大員 注冊電氣工程師 一級注冊建筑師 公路水運檢測 通信工程 裝配式工程師 二級注冊建筑師 智慧消防工程師 智慧建造工程師 全過程工程咨詢師 EPC工程總承包 碳排放管理師 初級會計師 中級會計師 注冊會計師(cpa) CFA ACCA CMA 基金從業 證券從業 會計證 初中級經濟師 薪稅師 會計實操 企業合規師 FRM 會計就業 教師資格 人力資源管理 導游考試 心理咨詢師 健康管理師 家庭教育指導師 普通話 公共營養師 物流師 網絡主播 專利代理師 教師招聘 少兒編程 書法培訓 繪畫美術 音樂 舞蹈 棋類 國畫 樂器 機器人編程 小孩子注意力訓練 兒童專注力 兒童情緒管理 少兒小主播 信奧賽C++ 嵌入式培訓 軟件測試 Web前端 linux云計算 大數據 C/C++開發 電子商務 Java開發 影視后期 剪輯包裝 游戲設計 php 商業插畫 產品經理 Python photoshop UXD全鏈路 UI設計 室內設計 電商視覺設計 IT認證 PMP項目管理